
Comprehensive Imam & Bilal Training Program - Level 1

A Journey Through the Essentials of Islamic Leadership and Prayer Guidance
man in traditional attire for Imam Bilal Training Level 1 course

Transform Your Salah:
From Common Mistakes to Perfect Practice

Unlock the Secrets to Perfecting Your Prayers

Are you unsure about the correct postures in Salah? Do you struggle to maintain concentration?

Our program is designed to address these concerns, ensuring precision and understanding in your Salah.

Comprehensive Curriculum for Aspiring Leaders​

Explore Every Facet of Your Role in Islamic Prayer Leadership

Your Pathway to Mastery and Leadership

Unveil the Advantages of Our Comprehensive Training

Brain illuminated by knowledge over an open book icon

In-Depth Knowledge

Dive into the intricacies of Salah, from the opening Takbir to the final Taslim.
Puzzle pieces coming together to form a light bulb icon

Practical Skills

Apply your knowledge through practical sessions on Wudhu’, Adzan, and leading Salah.

A heart-shaped plant sprouting from the ground icon

Spiritual Growth

Enhance your personal spirituality by understanding the profound meanings behind daily prayers.
Three figures with a star overhead representing leadership icon

Leadership Development

Build the confidence to assume the role of Imam or Bilal in your community.
Three figures in a network of connectivity icon

Community Contribution

Be prepared to guide and influence your community with your knowledge and leadership in prayer.
Award ribbon with a star emblem icon

Certification and Recognition

Earn a certificate that acknowledges your dedication and expanded capabilities, paving the way for further opportunities.

Two hands clasped in unity and strength icon

Ongoing Support

Gain access to a network of peers and instructors for continuous learning and support.

Essential Course Information

All You Need to Know to Get Started


Our classes are conveniently held at Darul Ajyal, Centropod, #05-05, 80 Changi Road, Singapore 419715.

Session Timing

Join us for our enriching Imam and Bilal Training Level 1 course, scheduled to begin in January 2024. Our sessions are conveniently arranged on:

  • Thursdays: 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM
  • Fridays: 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM


These evening sessions are designed to fit into your schedule, allowing you to balance your educational pursuits with other daily commitments. Embrace this opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice in a supportive and engaging environment.


Invest in your spiritual education with our competitive pricing:

  • $80 for every four sessions.
  • A one-time registration fee of $30.
  • Booking Fee: $80.
  • Study Materials (Course Book): $50.

Hear from Our Alumni

Testimonials from past students

Ustaz Amruu Hussein adorned with a rida' over his shoulder, dressed in a traditional Arab thobe.

Meet Your Esteemed Instructor

Introducing Ustaz Amruu Hussein, a dedicated educator and ARS-certified religious teacher, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to our Comprehensive Imam & Bilal Training Program.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Islamic Law and Legal Sectors from the University Sultan Sharif Ali, Ustaz Amruu possesses a deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence, complemented by a Diploma in Islamic Studies from Al-Zuhri High Institution.

Begin Your Learning Journey

Follow These Simple Steps to Secure Your Place






Kick off your path to becoming an Imam or Bilal by completing our straightforward registration form. Just provide some basic personal information to get started.

Make Payment

Secure your enrollment with our easy payment process. Your spot in the Imam Bilal Training Level 1 course awaits.


You’ll receive an email confirmation as soon as your payment is verified. This email will contain all the details you need about the course schedule, syllabus, and any materials you should prepare.

Get Ready

Prepare for your first session! You’ll be provided with access to an introductory guide and any required reading materials in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

This foundational course is opened to everyone who is seeking to enhance their journey in Islamic leadership.
The Level 1 training spans 52 sessions, held once a week, totaling approximately 13 months. This structure allows for a comprehensive understanding of the course material.
An initial deposit and registration fee of $110 is required to secure your spot in the course. At your first session, payment for the course book and the first month’s tuition is due. Monthly payments are made thereafter, with the deposit covering your final month.

Participants will gain insights into essential Islamic practices, including Wudhu’, Adzan, and Salah, alongside the core principles of Islamic jurisprudence and recitation techniques.

No prerequisites are necessary. Our Level 1 course is open to all young learners who wish to grow their knowledge and skills in Islamic prayer leadership.

Yes, successful completion of the course will earn you a certificate, signifying your ability to lead Islamic prayers and your readiness to take on more advanced training.

Our course provides ongoing support to ensure all students can keep up with the material. This includes additional resources and dedicated assistance from our instructors.

Begin Your Path to Spiritual Leadership

Just a few steps away from embarking on a transformative learning experience.

Complete the form and we’ll get in touch with the next steps. Payment can be made easily online, through bank transfer, or via PayNow.

Your Information
Your Friends' Names (If applicable)
Preferred Class
Male Classes:

Stay Connected with Us

We're Here to Assist You

Visit us at our office for in-person queries or assistance at:

Darul Ajyal, Centropod, #05-05, 80 Changi Road, Singapore 419715

Ingin sertai kursus ini tetapi belum bersedia?

Sertai kelas Al-Quran dan Fiqh kami sebagai persediaan anda untuk menjadi seorang Imam yang bertauliah.